Great advice. I think it's important to remember that none of these experiences means that you've "failed." It's all just part of the process and a chance to keep growing as a writer.

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YES!! You only fail when you stop trying. Otherwise, you’re just trucking along on the long and bumpy road to success.

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I think all of it is pretty good advice. Although, #6.3 has kind of harmed my love of reading. I tend to see technical issues in the writing now.

#1 also applies to self-publishing authors. Indie publishing wasn't really easy when I wrote my very first novel... and I'm glad. It was not ready for publication, and I'm afraid I would've put it out there and cringed later. The first book I self-published was actually the twenty-first novel I wrote.

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As far as reading, I definitely let myself abandon books. If I'm not liking it, or if I don't think it's well-written, I just DNF and pick up something else. So many books out there; I don't like to waste my precious time if I'm not enjoying it!

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So true - I spent a lot of time tinkering with early pages on my first novel only to cut them all out in my final edit! Love your writers resource list!

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Words of wisdom, indeed! I'm two years away from even thinking about getting published. sigh...

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Wow! Amazing resources here, Eva. Thank you!!! (I'm just discovering your newsletter and it's terrific).

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Thank you!!

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Point #1 is crucial! Several years ago I wrote my first novel. I figured I’d give it a couple quick edits, send it off, and I’d be professionally published in no time. Thankfully, some friends who read it suggested some…substantial changes. I eventually realized I needed to put in a lot more work and improve my craft before publishing a book. And now 3 more books later, I think I actually have one that’s good!

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So much great advice here! Thank you.

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So much good advice here!

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Great read! Thanks

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Great advice.

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Abandon all the should's & shouldn't's: just write. Get going , keep going.

If you're half-arsed about writing, it probably isn't for you.

It's a sacrifice. Your soul & sanity. Your finances & maybe, friends - your relationships.

Keep a note book/phone with you. Write every idea - that's every single idea. Leave nothing out.

When you are writing put everything in - all of it. Don't question your ideas. Let it flow - keep the Tap Open. You'll regulate the stupid from the meaningful naturally.

You're gonna be hard on yourself: get used to it.

Hemingway: all first drafts are shit.

You'll rollercoaster from genius to moron - to why do I bother.

Write as much as you can when you can.

When asked 'what's the hardest thing about writing?' Norman Mailer said: 'the first million words.'

Keep going, because it's going to get harder.

Write without Hope or Fear.

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Thank you so much for sharing, Eva!

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