I could empty my wardrobe, cupboards and drawers of shoes and clothes but suggest that I give away one book and I feel guilty. Guilty about rejecting somebody's work and that I didn't read the book properly or enough. I think that our books are part of us because they express and reflect our personality so losing them is like giving away something of ourselves - although having lived in five countries in the last 20 years I totally get the point about schlepping around boxes of books.

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Books show were I've been and where I've traveled to, I like having them, it's really nice when your recommending a book and you can say I have it if you want to borrow it. Honestly I love having them and would rather have them in my home than having to go out all the time to go to a library even if it's more expensive. I could live in a home without some book even if it's just textbooks, I've always had a bookshelf in my room I wouldn't change it for the world. So agree to disagree.

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Books show were I've been and where I've traveled to, I like having them, it's really nice when your recommending a book and you can say I have it if you want to borrow it. Honestly I love having them and would rather have them in my home than having to go out all the time to go to a library even if it's more expensive. I could live in a home without some book even if it's just textbooks, I've always had a bookshelf in my room I wouldn't change it for the world. So agree to disagree.

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