Hello Eva,

Thanks for your willingness to help. Yes, it's a hard market to break into.

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Hi Eva,

iRead is an eBook app enabling parents and authors to upload part of their books. Some authors are offered contacts from these companies. Children’s books are very hard to publish traditionally. I’m looking for ways to publish and market my 6 children’s chapter books.

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Oh, thanks! I'll have to check that out. Yes, I've heard that chapter books are one of the hardest genres to break into (as far as traditional publishing goes) because so many of them are written in-house and/or written with existing intellectual property. Good luck with your books -- keep us updated!

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Hi Eva, I’m looking children’s eBook readers apps to upload a few chapters and possibly receive a contract. iReaders, a children’s ebook is not responding.


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Hi Bella. I don't know anything about iRead; I'll have to check it out. Good luck!

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Hi Bella! I'm not sure what you mean. You're trying to upload a few chapters of what? Receive a contract for what?

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