Hearing that word count is now a primary factor in considering a manuscript is just one more reason why I am leaning more and more toward going indie with my first book this year.

The rising cost of paper? Really? The people whose one job is to print books don't want to spend money on paper?

What value are traditonal publishers adding to the process at this point? Serious question.

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You make a good point, but I bet indie publishers are affected by the cost of paper and supply issues, too. They are working on a much tighter budget than bigger publishers. My thought is: why are we still printing hardcovers?? Just have books come out in paperback and ebook and audiobook only. Ain't nobody got money for hardcover books. IMO, anyway. But exciting about your first book! Good luck and keep us posted.

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Thanks for the response.

When I say "indie" I mean self-publishing to Kindle/Kobo/Apple/etc. Higher cost for print may mean I take a smaller cut for POD paperback or hardcover, something the big publishers are clearly not willing to do under any circumstances.

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I love your cat-and-mouse analogy to writing! Brilliant.

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