Where Have All the Pitch Contests Gone?
I can tell you the answer! Plus, TONS of writing resources
*For writing links and resources, scroll down.*
Blue skies ahead?
In my last newsletter, I wrote about how I was quitting X, and how much I was enjoying Substack Notes as a place to scroll for information, connection, and things to read (writing related or otherwise).
I’m still really loving Substack Notes, in part because my notes seem to get a lot of engagement. After X, where, at least recently, it seemed no one was seeing my posts, it’s nice to know there are people out there, seeing and liking what I have to say.
And, unlike other social media sites where if something doesn’t get engagement right away it gets buried by the algorithm, Substack notes seems to have a long shelf life. For example, I posted a note on Nov. 10 that is still getting likes and comments ten days later.
Since my last newsletter, a lot of people in the writing world have left X, and many of them have flocked to Blue Sky, a decentralized social media platform modeled off of Twitter/X.
I was wary to jump onto yet another social media site, but in the end I made a profile (come find me!) and decided I’ll still scroll on Substack notes, but it doesn’t hurt to keep an eye on Blue Sky and send the occasional “skeet” (what posts are called on Blue Sky).
(If you want to learn more about Blue Sky,
of Agents and Books has a fun post about it.)In case you, too, have left X, you might be interested in this list I compiled of pitch contests (for writers to pitch to agents/editors) that are no longer on X (or were never there to begin with).
As you may or may not know, I found my agent through a Twitter pitch contest, and I love supporting authors in pitch parties, so I’m very happy to know these events are continuing, just in different places.
Pitch contests that are NOT on X:
#BluePit - on Blue Sky
#KidLitGN - on their website
#LatinxPitch - on their website
#PicantePit - on Discord
#PitchDis - on their website
#PitBLK - on their website
#Questpit - on Blue Sky
#RevPit - on their website
Savvy Authors Pitchfest - on their website
#SmallPit - on X and Threads
#SkyPitch - on Blue Sky
#Unhingedpit - on Blue Sky
Thanks to Courtney Maum for asking the question that got me to put together this list!

Finish Your Novel (by the new year??)
I am currently working on the first draft of an adult psychological suspense (with elements of farce — is that a thing??). My goal, as I told my agent, is to finish the draft by the end of the year. Wish me luck!
Need some help finishing your novel? If you live in the DC region, you can come to my one-day in person workshop on Dec. 7 at The Writers Center in Bethesda: Finish Your Novel. We’ll talk about road-blocks writers face and practical tips for overcoming them. You’ll make a plan for finishing your novel, set deadlines, and learn ways to hold yourself accountable. You may even find another member of the workshop to be your accountability partner!
Writing News & Resources:
For All Writers:
Looking for a writing mentor? The Round Table Mentors have been announced, and you can apply to be a mentee from Dec. 1-15. And check out their mentor Ask Me Anything events, happening Nov. 19 - 22!
Have you ever looked into the offerings from StoryStudio Chicago? Tons of classes, workshops, and events, both online and in person.
Helpful article from Writers Helping Writers on what’s making your writing boring.
If you live in the DC region, you can come to my one-day in person workshop on Dec. 7 at The Writers Center in Bethesda: Finish Your Novel.
From Good Story Company:
Free online Editor “Ask Me Anything on Nov. 27. Bring your writing and publishing questions to an experienced panel of editors, and get answers.
Free online Writing an Irresistible Query Workshop on Dec. 5.
Check out the free event replays of various workshops at The Manuscript Academy.
The Writers Center website is a GREAT resource for finding grants, fellowships, residencies & retreats, publishers (who publish non-agented authors), and literary journal opportunities.
Writing Workshops also offers lots of online classes in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, picture books, and the business of writing.
Check out the meet-up group called Shut Up & Write. There are in-person chapters all over the country, as well online events.
Looking for places to submit your writing? Check out NewPages and Sub Club.
For KidLit Writers:
A list of places that publish stories for children from The Write Life.
Voyage YA’s Novel Excerpt Prize is now open (deadline Dec. 15).
Literary Rambles has information on kidlit agents and agent interviews.
Submit your children’s book to these publishers: no agent required!
Here’s an incredible list of upcoming events for KidLit writers!
Check out SCBWI (The Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) for events, conferences, critique partners and more. (Picture book through YA.)
For Querying Writers:
You’re using Manuscript Wishlist to research agents, right? Okay, good, just checking. (P.S. MSWL is on Blue Sky now!)
Reminder that query reviews are available through the Book Pipeline Workshop. Only $75 per review until end of year.
From Mary Kole & Good Story Company: Free online Writing an Irresistible Query Workshop on Dec. 5.
Here’s a list of small publishers, most of which do not require agents.
Andrea Bartz has a list of successful query letters (many of them thrillers).
I occasionally choose a subscriber for a FREE submission package critique. Send me your query and first two pages, and, if I chose your submission, I will send you feedback on both. Fill out the form here.
Writing Conferences & Events:
Recently two separate people recommended this online writing conference to me: Women in Publishing Summit, happening March 5-8, 2025.
The enormous AWP conference (Association of Writers and Writing Programs) will be held in Los Angeles this year, March 26-29.
If you live in the DC area, this comprehensive Calendar of Local Literary Events, compiled by Washington Independent Review of Books is overwhelming and awesome.
Live in the mid-Atlantic region and looking for a writing retreat get-away? The Writer’s Retreat at Good Contrivance Farm north of Baltimore is open year-round. The only requirement for this peaceful retreat is that you use the time to work on your writing. Spaces normally book about two months in advance.
Thinking about going to a conference or applying for a residency? Check out the free searchable database on Poets & Writers.
The Shit No One Tells You About Writing’s Deep Dive Virtual Conference will be held February 1-2. Early bird registration opens November 29. I also highly recommend listening to their podcast of the same name!
The San Miguel Writers’ Conference and Literary Festival is happening February 12-16 in beautiful/historic San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. I’ve spent a lot of time in San Miguel, and it’s a great place to visit, especially in the winter season.
Are you an author who's had a book published in the last two years? The Annapolis Book Festival is now accepting submissions for our 2025 Festival, which will be held on Saturday, May 3, 2025.
The Writing Day Workshop “How to Get Published” Conferences are affordable and helpful. Plus, sign up for pitch sessions with agents for $29 a piece. For online conferences, attend from anywhere in the world! Check out the upcoming conferences:
Writers Digest offers loads of virtual conferences on a variety of publishing and writing craft topics.
For more writing conferences, check out this list or the free searchable database on Poets & Writers.