What exactly IS a MacGuffin?
Eva makes a public mistake. Plus TONS of writing links and resources
The Curveball Question
In January I participated in the Be a Bestseller 4.0 interview series. I gave a 45-minute talk about how to add suspense to your story, which is now available for paid subscribers.
In the talk I mentioned red herrings, and the interviewer asked me if I could tell the listeners the difference between a red herring and a MacGuffin.
“You might have to help me out here,” I said while inwardly thinking, oh crap, what IS a MacGuffin? I’d heard the term before but was very unsure about its definition.
I told her a red herring is a misleading clue, or something suspicious meant to lead the reader towards the wrong conclusion. “And, I guess, MacGuffins are similar, right?” I said.
“I think so,” she said. But actually, when I looked it up later, I realized, no, a MacGuffin is not similar to a red herring. It’s something entirely different.
So what is a MacGuffin?
To be honest, I’m not sure, even now, if I can give you a clear definition of a MacGuffin. To my understanding, it’s an object, character, or goal the story needs to motivate the characters and propel the plot forward, but the thing itself is trivial or meaningless. (But, I would argue, if it’s motivating the characters then it’s not meaningless to them, right? So maybe it’s just meaningless to the viewers/readers?This term still confuses me.)
Basically, a MacGuffin is a plot device that serves as the catalyst for the story. The best example I can find on the Internet is the briefcase in Pulp Fiction. Characters are motivated by the briefcase, but what’s in it is never actually revealed. It could have been filled with anything: cash, diamonds, expensive drugs, someone’s soul. The contents weren’t important; the briefcase simply served as an object the characters wanted, and thus it propelled the plot forward.
Some other famous MacGuffins, according to the Internet:
The Maltese Falcon (1941): The Maltese Falcon
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975): The Holy Grail
Saving Private Ryan (1998): Private Ryan
Some people also say the “one ring” in the Lord of the Rings trilogy is a MacGuffin, but I don’t know, you guys. Yes, the one ring is the catalyst for the story, but I wouldn’t call it trivial. It’s not like you could have just switched it out for something else. Although I suppose you could have make it a stone or a necklace or a hairbow of immortality and power instead of a ring. I feel like a true MacGuffin is something that could truly be replaced with anything, as long as it’s doing the job of motivating the characters and propelling the plot forward. So does that make “the one ring” a MacGuffin, or not?
Maybe I still don’t completely understand MacGuffins. You might have to help me out here.
Writing News & Resources
For All Writers:
This article from The Washington Post made me laugh: Reader Pet Peeves: What Readers Hate Most in Books — from Dreams to Italics. Writers, we have been warned.
Check out these March magazine and writing contest opportunities!
Did you know: Writers Digest University has tons of live online workshops and online courses for beginning, intermediate, and published writers of all ages and genres.
Apply for the 2023 Kurt Brown WC&C Scholarships. Three winners will receive $500 to help them attend the WC&C event of their choice. Winners plus six finalists will also receive a free one-year AWP membership. Applications are open through March 31,2023.
The NYC Midnight Screenwriting Challenge kicks off March 24. Register by March 23.
Camp NaNoWriMo, a free month-long writing challenge and encouraging writing community starts April 1st. Go to the website for more details.
Self-published? Enter the Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Award competition. Deadline: April 3, 2023.
Enter the 22nd Annual Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest. Free to submit published or unpublished poems, with up to $3,500 in prizes. Deadline April 1.
Writer Mother Monster (a great podcast series) is offering an online workshop: Prioritizing Your Craft for Writer Moms on Sunday, May 14
I updated my list of writing and publishing resources — my very favorite books, websites, and podcasts and writing, publishing, and creative life.
I am forever recommending this article from DianaUrban
to other writers: 43 Words You Should Cut from Your Writing Immediately.
Hoping to create a regular writing habit or maybe start a novel? Learn about my do-it-on-your-own-time courses for paid subscribers: Cultivating a Regular Writing Routine and Getting Started on Your Novel.
For KidLit Writers:
From Bitsy Kemper’s blog: over 75 publishers accepting unsolicited picture book manuscripts — updated February 2023!
Upcoming Kidlit Workshops (online and in-person) from The Highlights Foundation. Everything from Picture Books to YA!
Check out this incredible list of upcoming events for KidLit writers!
For Querying Writers:
Aimee Davis is accepting submissions for guest posts on her blog from currently querying authors who want a space to talk about the struggles of querying BEFORE the success. How cool is that?
The Good Story Company editors weigh in on your story ideas in the latest edition of the StorySnobs Pitch Contest, March 15th at 8 pm CT. Register for only $5 and watch live or the replay later.
Manuscript Wishlist, probably the best way to search for agents online, has totally revamped their website. Read about the exciting changes here.
The Revise & Resubmit (#RevPit) annual contest begins March 16. Win feedback and edits on your full manuscript from professional editors.
Every Friday, Operation Awesome offers one free query critique through their #QueryFriday contest.
I don’t know what’s going on with Twitter these days, but I assume Twitter pitch contests will continue to happen unless I hear otherwise. If you’re still on Twitter, it certainly doesn’t hurt to try. (After all, I found my agent through a Twitter pitch party. I am now an official success story.) So mark your calendar for these upcoming Twitter pitch parties. And be sure to read my article 13 Things to Know About Twitter Pitch Events.
April 6: #MoodPitch — Twitter pitch for all un-agented authors of all genres and age categories, with a mood board image added. (The pitch event in which I found my agent!)
Writing Conferences
Writers Digest is offering a virtual conference for mystery/thriller writers March 25-26.
The Writing Day Workshop “How to Get Published” Conferences will held both online and in person this year. I attended one of these conferences in person a few years ago, and I thought it was fantastic. I can’t vouch for the virtual version, but there are some benefits: recorded classes, no travel expenses, attend in your comfy pants. Plus, you can sign up for pitch sessions with agents for $29 a piece. Check out the upcoming conferences:
Minnesota Writing Workshop: March 25, 2023 (in-person in St. Paul)
Writing Workshop of San Francisco: April 14-15, 2023 (online)
Philadelphia Writing Workshop: April 22, 2023 (in-person)
New York Write to Pitch Conference 2023 will be held in NYC March 16-19.
The Washington Writers Conference will be held in Bethesda, MD May 12-13.
Early Bird tickets ($369) include three agent-pitch sessions and are available through Mar. 31, 2023.
For all those in the DC-MD-VA area, mark your calendars for the FREE Gaithersburg Book Festival on May 20. I’ll be there, and I might even be teaching a short workshop (TBD).
Working on a thriller, mystery, or crime fiction? Check out ThrillerFest in NYC, May 30-June 3.
For more writing conferences, check out this list or this list of 19 Writing Conferences for Emerging and Established Writers.