Reach Your Writing Goals in 2024!
Do's and Don'ts for your writing resolutions, plus TONS of writing links and resources
*For writing links and resources, scroll down.*
Do’s and Don’ts for Your Writing Goals
Are you making New Years Resolutions in regards to writing? If so, may I offer some do’s and don’ts for how to frame your goals?
DON’T: “I will get an agent in 2024.”
You have no actual control over whether or not an agent wants to sign you, and goals should be actionable — something over which you do have control.
DO: “I will research and query 100 agents in 2024.” (Approximately 2 per week.)
This is actionable. You can cross this off a to-do list and feel like you’ve accomplished something. Hopefully you won’t need 100 queries before you find an agent, but you might. I queried 90 agents before I found mine.
DO: “If I get 20+ form rejections on my query, I will pay for a professional query review or a one-on-one agent meeting to see what I can improve in my query and/or first pages.”
It’s not just about canvasing every agent. It’s about making sure your submission is the very best it can possibly be, so work into your goals a plan to get professional feedback (if needed) to find out what’s not working: the query letter or the manuscript itself. You can do this through The Manuscript Academy, The Good Story Company, or yours truly — I offer affordable query and first page critiques. (Paid subscribers to my newsletter get a 15% discount on query feedback — ask me how!)

DON’T: “I will get a short story, poem, or essay published in 2024.”
Again, out of your control. Let’s make this goal more actionable.
DO: “I will research and submit to 100 journals and magazines in 2024.” (Approximately 2 per week.)
Getting shorter pieces published is largely a game of numbers and luck. You gotta submit the right thing to the right place at the right time. Researching will help, and writing something amazing will help, but probably the best way to increase your chances of getting a piece accepted is to submit widely. Check out the databases of lit mags and journals at Poets & Writers and New Pages (
).DON’T: “I will write a novel in 2024.”
I mean, yes, this IS a good goal, and one year is totally enough time to complete the first draft of a novel, but a better way to frame your goal is to break it up into manageable, non-overwhelming chunks.
I will brainstorm, outline, and write the first 50 pages of a novel by March 1, 2024.
I will write to the mid-point by June 1, 2024.
I will write to the climax by September 1, 2024.
I will have a completed first draft by December 1, 2024.
In addition, I will research writing mentor programs and/or classes and workshops that might help me write my novel.
For writing classes, check out The Writers Center, Hugo House, or my online DIY courses: Getting Started on Your Novel and Finish Your Novel.
Need help creating deadlines, holding yourself accountable, and problem-solving when you hit writing roadblocks? I offer affordable accountability coaching to help you with all of these things! AND, paid subscribers to my newsletter get a 15% discount on accountability coaching — ask me how!

DON’T: “I will sell X-number of copies of my book in 2024”
Again, this isn’t an actionable goal. But there are things you can do to increase the likelihood of book sales — so make those your goal instead.
DO: “In 2024 I will do X-number of book publicity events (readings, signings, conferences, author interviews, school visits, workshop classes, etc.).”
DO: “I will reach out to X-number of indie booksellers, book bloggers, other authors, and other people who might be able to help me promote my book.”
And perhaps, most importantly, maybe we should all make this our ultimate goal: to take pleasure in writing (and reading!), to make time for creativity of all sorts, and to be kind to ourselves and others.
Writing News & Resources:
For All Writers:
The Writers Center website is a GREAT resource for finding grants, fellowships, residencies & retreats, publishers (who publish non-agented authors), and literary journal opportunities.
- is hosting the second annual Write More vision board party on Sunday, Jan. 7th via Zoom. Nancy wrote about vision boards last year here and here, if you need a little nudge. To join, register at this link.
Writer’s Digest offers tons of online classes and workshops like the virtual Novel Writing Conference January 12-14.
Writing Workshops also offers lots of online classes in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, picture books, and the business of writing.
StoryStudio Chicago presents: Pub Crawl: Learn, Pitch, Publish at their virtual Month-Long Publishing Intensive, Feb. 1-29, 2024. (They also have tons of other classes, events and workshops, so check out the StoryStudio website.)
If you don’t listen to the podcast The Shit No One Tells You About Writing, I recommend it. ALSO, they will be doing a virtual, interactive 10-week “Deep Dive Series” in which you can ask questions directly in real time. January 16-March 19.
I also recommend the Manuscript Academy podcast, the First Draft podcast, and The Good Story podcast.
The Women’s Fiction Writers Association has a TON of free writing workshops, critique groups, and webinars, plus upcoming mentorship opportunities.
Register now for this free NYE webinar from The Good Story Company: Rock Your Writing Goals, Dec. 31 from 2-3pm.
Check out the meet-up group called Shut Up & Write. There are in-person chapters all over the country, as well online events.
The Writer’s Atelier has a free online writing community with virtual events. If you're local to the Orlando, Florida area, they also have in-person events as well!
Thinking about going to a conference or applying for a residency in 2024? Check out the free searchable database on Poets & Writers.
The Yale Review is accepts pitches on a rolling basis. Seeking diverse, sharp, intelligent voices on a wide range of subjects, from literature, art, history, and politics to film, television, music, & more.
The folks at Cheshire Novel Prize host a FREE group on their private app called Writers Space where you can talk about writing, ask for BETA readers, and connect with other writers.
Ready to submit a story? Check out this list of 40 Free Writing Contests! And of course, check out NewPages for submission calls from literary magazines and journals.
Check out the Chestnut Review for stubborn artists. Their submissions are always open and they pay $120/piece. They promise to respond in 30 days, which is HUGE in the lit mag space. Free submissions in most genres and free issues online, plus paid feedback options. They also offer workshops and international retreats.
Check out my list of writing and publishing resources — my very favorite books, websites, and podcasts on writing, publishing, and the creative life.
For KidLit Writers:
The WriteMentor 2024 Novel & Picture Book Award is looking for new writing talent in Picture Books, Chapter Books, Middle Grade, and Young Adult.
Submissions open now until January 31.
Wild Ink Publishing has a call for submissions for the following anthology:
Clio’s Curious Dash Through Time Anthology: Poems and short stories appropriate for middle grade readers (5th-8th grade). This anthology is about historical, contemporary, and futuristic materials. We would like to give readers a timeline of stories focusing on the beginning of time, through to the most fantastical futuristic idea you can possibly imagine. Deadline: January 15.
SCBWI Members (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators), the in-person and virtual annual conference will be held February 9-11 in NYC (and online).
Literary Rambles has information on kidlit agents and agent interviews.
From Bitsy Kemper’s blog: over 100 publishers accepting unsolicited picture book manuscripts. (Updated June 2023)
Check out this incredible list of upcoming events for KidLit writers!
For Querying Writers:
Check out this list of small publishers, most of which do not require agents.
Here’s a query letter template from agent Samantha Wekstein and lots of querying advice from agent Eric Smith.
Find a long list of example query letters on Quite the Query.
Every Friday, Operation Awesome offers one free query critique through their #QueryFriday contest.
Some months I will chose one subscriber for a FREE submission package critique. Send me your query letter and the first two pages of your manuscript, and, if you’re the winner of the month, I will send you back in-depth feedback on both. Interested in receiving a critique? Fill out the form here.
Writing Conferences & Events:
Live in the mid-Atlantic region and looking for a writing retreat get-away?
2024 Winter-on-the-Farm Creative Writing Retreat at ZigBone Farm. Just one hour from DC/Baltimore areas in Maryland's Catoctin Mountains with award-winning writer Diana Friedman. January 12-17, 2024. This retreat is for all writers who want help getting started, shaping and refining existing work, as well as time to write and bond with other writers. Maryland residents can apply for a grant to help cover costs!
The Writer’s Retreat at Good Contrivance Farm. Need to get away and spend time with your writing? Open year-round, the only requirement for this peaceful retreat north of Baltimore is that you intend to use the time and space to work on your writing. The hen house cottage and barn loft normally book about two months in advance.
The Writing Day Workshop “How to Get Published” Conferences will held both online and in person this year. I attended one of these conferences in person a few years ago, and I thought it was fantastic. I can’t vouch for the virtual version, but there are some benefits: recorded classes, no travel expenses, attend in your comfy pants. Plus, sign up for pitch sessions with agents for $29 a piece. Check out the upcoming conferences:
Writers Digest offers loads of virtual conferences on a variety of publishing and writing craft topics.
AWP 2024 will be held in Kansas City February 7-10 2024, and early bird registration and community scholarship applications are now open!
FREE Virtual Conference from The Writer’s Workout is coming March 2024 -- sign up now to stay in the loop!
Apply for the NYC Publishing Workshop, held April 4-7, 2024, and check out the other writing workshops, retreats, and events from Writing Workshops.
Save the date for the Washington Writers Conference, being held in Bethesda, MD May 3-4, 2024.
Save the date for the awesome Gaithersburg Book Festival (in the DC area): May 18, 2024.
For more writing conferences, check out this list or the free searchable database on Poets & Writers.
That is a really good way of framing goals - thanks for the tips! And happy new year for a few days' time!
Have a safe and warm New Year's Eve, Eve! I hope all your resolutions achieve success!