Dreams do come true!
Published friends, podcasts, & critique partners. Plus TONS of writing resources
*For writing resources, scroll down.*
One cool thing about getting an MFA…
There’s a lot of debate “out there” about MFA programs and if they’re helpful. I have conflicting thoughts, but one cool thing about getting an MFA is that eventually some of your classmates publish novels, and, sure, you could get all green-eyed about it, but it’s much more fun to be excited. Hey, I KNOW them! I’m so proud!
I got my MFA from the University of New Orleans, and it’s been great to see some of the classmates I drank margaritas with after class publish novels, including: Tawni Waters, Bryan Camp, Nicholas Mainieri, and now… Danny Goodman! (If I am forgetting anyone, please, UNO-peeps, let me know!)

Danny Goodman’s debut literary novel, Amerikaland, about two professional athletes dealing with terrorism in a reimagined present-day, comes out on June 4. I had the chance to interview him about his book, which Kirkus Review calls “A contemplative, richly imagined, and…thrilling exploration of the near future.”
Check out the interview, and consider pre-ordering the book (see my previous newsletter on how pre-orders and library requests help debut authors).
Getting feedback ain’t as simple as it seems…
I recently got feedback from my trusted alpha reader on the first draft of an adult novel, which I’ve been calling a thriller. (One of her very valid comments was that perhaps the novel is not consistently one genre and I need to pick a direction.)
As always the feedback was helpful and overwhelming. It was a lot to take in, but I know it will lead to a better book, which is why I’m so appreciative.
Getting feedback on your work may seem like a no-brainer: ask someone to read it and tell you what they think. But it’s not that simple. You need to ask the right people at the right time in your process and then know what to do with the feedback once you get it. I talk about this and more in my recent post for paid readers: Critique Partners & Beta Readers (plus I include tons of places to find CPs and first readers). Check it out!
My podcasting dreams are coming true!
I love podcasts, and I have a lot of thoughts/feelings about writing and motherhood, so I couldn’t be more excited to join the
team as co-host of the podcast THIS MAMA IS LIT, featuring interviews with writers who are mothers.Check out the Literary Mama online magazine and the podcast (found wherever you get your podcasts). Though I’ll start working on episodes soon, you won’t hear my voice until much later this year.
This has nothing to do with writing, but…
…everything to do with creativity! Plus, sometimes you gotta brag about your kids. My seven-year-old made this incredible Duckie Village Compound for her tiny plastic ducks. Two cardboard houses, a playground, a rock wall with belay rope, a swimming pond, and more. She had a little help from my husband but mostly made it herself — it’s amazing.
Writing News & Resources:
For All Writers:
Check out the I Am in Print Writing Competition with seven genres, all judged by a professional agent or publisher. Deadline May 28.
NYC-based writers, apply for the Emerging Writer Fellowship from The Center for Fiction. Application is due May 31!
The Great Beta Reader Match-Up fromBianca Marais is open! Register by June 2.
The Writers Center website is a GREAT resource for finding grants, fellowships, residencies & retreats, publishers (who publish non-agented authors), and literary journal opportunities.
This online course on Writing Motherhood from Off Assignment looks amazing — taught by Rachel Yoder, author of Nightbitch. Starts June 4. Off Assignment is a literary magazine that offers other courses and is open to submission.
Your self-published or hybrid-published book can win up to $10,000 plus expert marketing services with the North Street Book Prize. Deadline July 1.
Ready Chapter 1 is a community-powered platform connecting book publishers with undiscovered writers. Find peer critiques and more.
Check out all the many upcoming online craft workshops from Savvy Authors!
Writing Workshops also offers lots of online classes in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, picture books, and the business of writing.
Need a template for a nonfiction book proposal? Here’s one from Neon Literary!
Check out the meet-up group called Shut Up & Write. There are in-person chapters all over the country, as well online events.
Cheshire Novel Prize hosts a FREE group on their private app called Writers Space where you can talk about writing, ask for BETA readers, and connect with other writers.
Ready to submit a story? Check out this list of 40 Free Writing Contests! And of course, check out NewPages for submission calls from literary magazines and journals.
Check out my list of writing and publishing resources — my very favorite books, websites, and podcasts on writing, publishing, and the creative life.
For KidLit Writers:
- is offering a free online workshop on May 23: Writing Irresistible Picture Books.
A list of places that publish stories for children from The Write Life.
Erin Entrada Kelly is teaching a Middle Grade Writers Workshop this summer. Applications open June 1.
Thank you to the WriteMentor Newsletter for the following:
The Times/Chicken House Children's Fiction Competition 2024 is now OPEN! Closes June 1st.
Check out this unpublished middle grade novel contest from Ready Chapter One. Winner gets a book deal!
Writer’s Digest’s first ever Young Adult Writing Virtual Conference: June 1.
Literary Rambles has information on kidlit agents and agent interviews.
Submit your children’s book to these publishers: no agent required!
Here’s an incredible list of upcoming events for KidLit writers!
Check out SCBWI (The Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) fir events, conferences, critique partners and more. (Picture book through YA.)
For Querying Writers:
Manuscript Academy is offering a 3-Day Online Workshop: Keep an Agent Reading with agent Emmy Nordstrom Higdon, May 28-30.
A list of small publishers, most of which do not require agents.
A query letter template from agent Samantha Wekstein and lots of querying advice from agent Eric Smith.
Andrea Bartz has a list of successful query letters.
Pitch contests on Twitter(“X”) seem to be coming back (for now). These events can feel like a bunch of authors screaming into the void, but it doesn’t hurt to try. After all, I found my agent through a Twitter pitch party. So mark your calendar for these upcoming pitch parties:
#PitDark on May 23 for horror, mystery, thriller/suspense, dark fantasy, and any book of a “darker” nature.
#KidLitPit on May 30 for picture books through YA.
#JoyPit on June 7 for lighthearted, feel-good books
I occasionally choose a subscriber for a FREE submission package critique. Send me your query and first two pages, and, if I chose your submission, I will send you in-depth feedback on both. Fill out the form here.
Writing Conferences & Events:
If you live in the DC area, check out the Local Author Bazaar at People's Book in Takoma Park on June 8!
Live in the mid-Atlantic region and looking for a writing retreat get-away?
2024 Writing Retreats at ZigBone Farm (Just one hour from DC/Baltimore area in Maryland's Catoctin Mountains). MD residents can apply for a grant to help cover costs!
July 28 - Aug 2: Summer Novel Writing with award-winning author Tammy Greenwood. For writers at all stages of the journey.
September 22-27: Fall-on-the-Farm Women's Poetry Writing Retreatwith Award-Winning Poet and Writing Instructor Ann Quinn
The Writer’s Retreat at Good Contrivance Farm. Open year-round, the only requirement for this peaceful retreat north of Baltimore is that you use the time to work on your writing. Spaces normally book about two months in advance.
Thinking about going to a conference or applying for a residency? Check out the free searchable database on Poets & Writers.
The Writing Day Workshop “How to Get Published” Conferences are affordable and helpful. Plus, sign up for pitch sessions with agents for $29 a piece. Check out the upcoming conferences:
Writers Digest offers loads of virtual conferences on a variety of publishing and writing craft topics.
For more writing conferences, check out this list or the free searchable database on Poets & Writers.